Pelizeaus Merzbacher disease - clinically and genetically verified bulgarian case


  • Maya Koleva UHATNP „St. Naum”
  • V. Bojinova UHATNP "St.Naum"; Medical university – Sofia
  • T. Todorov Genetic Medico-Diagnostic Laboratory „Genica” - Sofia
  • A. Todorova Genetic Medico-Diagnostic Laboratory „Genica” - Sofia; Medical university – Sofia
  • I. Milanov UHATNP "St.Naum"; Medical university – Sofia


Pelizaeus Merzbacher disease, leukodystrophyes, myelin abnormalities, genetic tests, brain MRT


Pelzaeus-Merzbacher disease (PMD, Sudanophilic leukodystrophy) is a progressive, degenerative, genetic disease associated with a mutation in the proteolipid protein (PLP 1) gene - the basic structural protein of myelin. It is X-linked, which mainly affects boys with a varied clinical picture depending on the age of expression. A typical manifestation of the disease is early nystagmus, poor motor and intellectual development, and extensive hypomyelinization areas due to defective myelin synthesis. For accurate diagnosis, MRTs and genetic tests are important to distinguish this disease from those in the leukodystrophy group as they may have a similar course.


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How to Cite

Koleva, M., Bojinova, V., Todorov, T., Todorova, A., & Milanov, I. (2019). Pelizeaus Merzbacher disease - clinically and genetically verified bulgarian case. Bulgarian Neurology, 20(1), 21–25. Retrieved from

