Familial, genetically verified case of early-onset facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy
muscular dystrophy, facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy, infantile FSHD, early oncet FSHD, D4Z4, SMCHD1 gene, DNMT3B geneAbstract
Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy accounts for one in 15,000-20,000 healthy people and is the third most common form of muscular dystrophy after Duchenne muscular dystrophy and myo tonic muscular dystrophy. From a genetic point of view, there are 2 subtypes - FSHD 1 and FSHD 2, causing the same phenotype.
The disease is usually expressed in the second or third decade of life, but a clinical picture is possible from birth to 60-70 years of age. The manifestation of clinical symptoms before the age of 10 is associated with an infantile form of the disease – infantile FSHD or FSHD with an early onset, the frequency of which is significantly lower than the form in adults. The early, infantile form of FSHD is due to a reduced number of D4Z4 repeats in a specific region of chromosome 4 and is associated with early onset of symptoms and faster and more severe evolution.
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