Establishing the time of onset of epilepsy after neurological comorbidities
Epilepsy, Neurological comorbidity, Onset of diseasesAbstract
Studying the comorbidity of epilepsy with other neurological diseases provides practical information about the need to assess the appropriate antiepileptic treatment. The aim of the study is to determine the time of onset of epilepsy after the occurrence of neurological comorbidities in patients with epilepsy and comorbid neurological disease. Patients were examined at the Department for Paroxysmal Conditions of the Multiprofile Hospital for Active Treatment in Neurology and Psychiatry „St. Naum”, Sofia, of whom 1) 71 had epilepsy and ischemic stroke, 2) 75 had epilepsy and cerebral hemorrhage, 3) 359 had epilepsy and cranial brain trauma, 4) 395 epilepsy and brain neoplasm and 5) 73 epilepsy and inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system. The study of the time of onset of epilepsy after a neurological event has occurred is necessary to assess the risk of epilepsy, the development of the disease, the need for treatment as a preventive measure in these neurological comorbidities.
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