Charles Bonnet syndrome, as a manifestation of lesions with different localization - clinical cases
acute ischemic stroke, visual acuity, optic tract, visual hallucinations, Charles Bonnet syndromeAbstract
Charles Bonnet syndrome is a neurological syndrome in which conscious visual hallucinations result from impaired vision. Hallucinations can be simple patterns or detailed images of events, people, or places. They are visual only and do not involve auditory or other sensory modalities. People with Charles Bonnet syndrome usually know that the visions are unreal. In the etiopathogenesis of the disease, damage can lie both in the front part (more often in eye diseases) and in the back part of the visual pathways (for example, in stroke or tumor). Now, the syndrome is not completely curable, but various approaches and medications are used to reduce the frequency and duration of visual hallucinations.
Clinical cases: We present two clinical cases of patients with Charles Bonnet syndrome but with different etiologies of the syndrome. In the first clinical case, the patient developed visual hallucinations after long-term progressive and severe ophthalmological disease. The second clinical case presents a patient suffering from Charles Bonnet syndrome after experiencing an ischemic stroke.
Conclusion: Charles Bonnet syndrome is a relatively rare neurological-psychiatric symptom complex, which should, however, be considered in patients suffering from impaired vision and conscious visual hallucinations.
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