Non-motor symptoms in myasthenia gravis


  • Kamelia Garbatilova UHATNP "St.Naum"
  • D. Taskov UHATNP "St.Naum"; Medical university – Sofia
  • M. Milanova UHATNP "St.Naum"; Medical university – Sofia


Myasthenia gravis, non-motor symptoms, fatigue, sleep, depression, anxiety, comorbidity


Myasthenia gravis /MG/ is an autoimmune disease characterized by pathological fatigue of the skeletal muscles and muscle weakness, which increases during the day. Along with motor, non-motor symptoms such as fatigue, sleep disturbances, psychiatric disorders and autoimmune comorbidities are often observed. Unusually, they have a greater significance in the clinical practice than muscle fatigue, but are significantly underestimated and not sufficiently studied and described in the literature. A link between fatigue and sleep disorders, as well as the presence of depression and anxiety in many of MG patients, has been proven. A relationship between non-motor symptoms and the possibility of developing a myasthenic crisis is also found. MG patients are exposed to a greater risk of developing another autoimmune disease, like most commonly thyroid gland diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, etc. Early diagnosis of the non-motor symptoms in MG is necessary, as their study and treatment would greatly improve the quality of life of the patients.


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How to Cite

Garbatilova, K., Taskov, D., & Milanova, M. (2023). Non-motor symptoms in myasthenia gravis. Bulgarian Neurology, 24(2), 48–51. Retrieved from